When leveling a concrete slab, or repairing, it's critical that you are prepared with the correct tools and product to perform the job entirely from the outset.

We've created this easy walk-through video guide to make the whole process easier and save the hassle. Always hire or purchase all the right equipment before starting the job, and ensure they are laid out ready for use. This will save panic and delays when working with a <[>Always prepare the equipment prior to using to ensure it is easily cleaned afterward. In the case of our Portamix, we lubricated the bucket to avoid dry product sticking. This will help keep the equipment in good usable order for the next job. You can also use a drop sheet on surfaces that need protection that you won't be working with, and ensure the area is free from clutter and other obstacles to ensure a quick and easy job.[>


Prior to leveling the surface, a primer must be used to ensure the leveling compound will adhere properly. A great primer is Construction Chemicals Kemcrete, which we have used in our video.

1. First, prepare the primer by creating a mix of 50/50 Water and Kemcrete.

2. Pour the mix directly onto the concrete then brush over the entire surface with a broom or similar.

3. Leave 15-20mins prior to applying leveling compound.



We recommend the use of a tilting mixer such as a Portamix Hippo with a large mixing container. The unit used in our guide has a 5 bag capacity and can tilt/pour directly from the mixing vessel. In our video, we mixed Construction Chemicals Dribond Floor Level Tuff which required 5.5L water per 20kg bag of product.

1. Prior to the use of the machine, it’s a good idea to protect the bucket. Spray the bucket with cooking oil or lanolin spray. These are natural ingredients that should not affect the chemical reaction of the mix.

2. Fill the bucket with the correct quantity of water. HINT: Make a container to hold the amount of water required per bag of mix. Then use the container to fill the mixer drum. In our video, we have determined that each bag requires 5.5L of water and have created a 5.5L container. This can then be used to easily and accurately add the correct amount of water per bag - ie: 5 bags will require 5 containers of water.

3. Using the machine on low rpm, empty the first four bags carefully into the drum by fluffing them in to avoid clumping of product. This involves gently shaking the bag to release the product slowly and consistently into the water. Note: It may be necessary to take precautions against inhaling dust. Wear a dust mask or nuisance mask while performing this step.

4. Turn the motor up to high speed prior to adding the last bag. On a Portamix there is a little black lever at the base of the motor which adjusts low/high speed.

5. Empty the final bag into the mixing bucket in the same manner as the first four (by fluffing the bag in).

6. Mix the final bag on full/high speed for 2-3 minutes until all powder is thoroughly blended.



When pouring, always remember the working time available and work within that parameter. With the Floor Level Tuff product we used in our video at around 25 degrees celcius we had about 10 minutes to pour and spread the product. Once you exceed the working time, the leveling properties of the product are severely reduced.

1. Fit spiked shoes to your boots. These are available from All Preparation Equipment (Archquip)

2. Unplug the machine.

3. Wheel to work area and commence pouring.

4. Pour the mix in lines across the work area just thick enough to cover between the lines (see video for a demonstration of pouring with the Portamix Hippo)



Again, keep an eye on the working time and move through the process quickly and methodically.

1. Ski rakes, wire rakes, pin rakes are all great options for leveling compounds and are also available from All Preparation Equipment (Archquip).

2. Using gauge rake at required height (check product specifications - in our video we used ), spread product evenly over the entire floor.



During the mixing process, the product will have become aerated. Any air bubbles in the coating will become a void once cured and create a weakness in the final floor.

1. Use a spiked roller (available from All Preparation Equipment) to quickly roll the spikes over the entire floor.


With a stand up trowel, use a large sweeping action to flatten & smooth the surface. Tilt the trowel upwards slightly in the direction of movement.



Leave for manufacturers' specified time to cure. In our case, the Floor Level Tuff product takes 1-2hrs to harden enough to walk on, and 24hrs to harden to 56MPA (Hardens to 100MPA after 28 days)

Note: Depending on your result you may need to Grind or sand the surface for a final finish.

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