Air pressure to your machine is critical to the success of driving enough power and air to keep the machine operating. Take a look at some helpful tips in using your new Trewlawny Surface Preparation range. 

Pressure is the pushing force or power which drives the tool. Correct air pressure is very important, too low and the tool will not perform at its maximum, too high, wear and damage to the tool will dramatically increase and at worst can lead to a potentially deadly failure or accident!

Air pressure is commonly measured in:
- PSI (Pounds per Square Inch) - BAR
1 BAR = 14.5 PSI

Equipment Consumption is the amount of compressed air the tool will use (at the manufacture specified pressure)

Air consumption is commonly measured in:
- CFM (Cubic Feet per minute) - LPM (Litres per minute) - LPS (Litres per second)
1 CFM = 28.32 LPM or 0.47 LPS



FAD (Free air Delivery)
When selecting compressor size the output should always be measured as the FAD rating of the compressor. This is the actual volume of air (in CFM, LPM, LPS) discharged by the compressor therefore a more accurate measure of the air available to use.

Is the theoretical volume of a compressor also measured in CFM, it should not be used as a basis for selecting a compressors ability to run a tool.

Pressure vs consumption
Ensure your compressor can output the required air at the specified pressure. Pressure and consumption are not the same thing!

Tank size
Many people mistakenly look at the tank capacity (in litres) of a compressor as the main criteria for running a piece of equipment. Tank capacity is purely for storage and to reduce the running of the compressor motor. The compressors FAD measured in CFM is the critical criteria to determine whether it will run a specified piece of equipment.




Tool / Machine Cubic Feet Per Minute (CFM) Litres Per Minute (LPM) Litres Per Second (LPS)
Needle / Chisel Scalers (B/BPG) 03-Aug 85 - 227 1.42 - 3.80
Low Vibration Needle / Chisel Scalers (VL) 4 - 5.5 113 - 156 1.89 - 2.60
Long Reach Scalers (LRS) 4.5 127 2.12
Mini Blasters (SF MB) Sep-41 255 - 1,161 4.23 - 19.27
Air Hammers (M13) 8.5 241 4
Hand Held Scalers (PPT) 30 850 14.1
Handheld Scaling Hammers (SF) 07-Nov 198 - 312 3.29 - 5.17
Angle Grinders 08-Oct 227 - 283 3.80 - 4.70
Deck Scaler (TFP) 165 4,673 77.55
Deck Hammer (SF11) 70 1,982 32.9
Trident Neptune Deck Scaler (TN) 68 1,926 31.96
Hydraflex Hold Cleaner (HY) 70 1,982 32.9
Vacuums 35 991 16.45


Consumption figures quoted in this table are always quoted at 90 PSI (6.2 BAR)

Standard operating pressure for all Trelawny tools.

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